The undersecretary of the Ministry of Detainees' Affairs meets in his office the director of the ICRC commission, Myriam Muller.
2023/03/01 6:40 website.AM

The undersecretary of the Ministry of Detainees' Affairs meets in his office the director of the ICRC commission, Myriam Muller.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Detainees'-Gaza, Bahaa Al Din al-Madhoun, met in his office this morning Tuesday 28/2/2023 Mrs. Myriam Mller, Director of the ICRC Mission in the Gaza Strip, where an in-depth discussion took place on the conditions inside prisons and the abuses against detainees by the occupation government.
Al-Madahoun welcomed the Red Cross delegation, noting that this meeting comes at a very important time and in light of the tragic conditions that detainees are living in prisons at this stage, and within the efforts of the ministry to strengthen and develop communication with all parties to keep them informed about developments of the events taking place in prisons.
The Ministry looks forward to a greater role and more effective effort by the ICRC especially with regard to the recent decisions on providing bread and water, which make life difficult for detainees inside the prisons and push them to take protest steps, as well as the recent enactment of laws and legislation by the occupation such as the Death Penalty Law, Prevention of Treatment, Confiscation of Funds and Withdrawal of Residences, demanding that there be a double effort to achieve tangible results in terms of stopping the serious measures taken by the occupation government and the prison administration.
Muller explained that she understands the great concern of detainees and their families about the subsequent events and the recently issued laws, and her staff is following up on these issues, noting that the Red Cross continues to be aware of the conditions and reality of detainees.
The undersecretary of the Ministry of Detainees' Affairs meets in his office the director of the ICRC commission, Myriam Muller.