The occupation's measures against the Palestinian detainees since Bin Gvir took office of Homeland Security
2023/02/26 7:57 website.AM

The occupation's measures against the Palestinian detainees since Bin Gvir took office of Homeland Security
The Ministry of Detainees' Affairs confirmed that since Bin Gvir has arrived, the threats are unstopped, especially these related to detainees which aim at tightening their living conditions, and issuing new procedures that affect their daily life.
Bin Gvir has started executing some repressive measures including: controlling the amount of water used by detainees, reducing shower time, locking the baths in the new sections in Nafha prison.
Moreover, delaying the deliverance of bread for days so they get it dry and cold. The raids and searches have escalated recently using stun grenades and police dogs.
A draft law to deny detainees medical treatment, some surgeries, double solitary confinement, and remove televisions from detention facilities was also approved in the preliminary reading.
In addition to the increased transfer of detainees, especially life-sentenced detainees, and the threat of some central prisons of closing public facilities on Friday and Saturday.