Graduating "Hope and Will" regiment of detainees inside Occupation Prisons.

2022/03/23 11:37 website.AM

Graduating "Hope and Will" regiment of detainees inside Occupation Prisons.

Graduating "Hope and Will" regiment of detainees inside Occupation Prisons.

Media Department


The Ministry of Detainees’ affairs in cooperation with Hadarat center for training have organized a graduation ceremony for the training courses of detainees inside occupation prisons during 2021. The ceremony was entitled “Hope and Will” and was held today at the Ministry’s headquarter, in the presence of the detainees’ families, ex-detainees, and specialists in the case of detainees.

In his speech, the Minisitry’s undersecretary, Mr. Bahaa Al-Madhoun confirmed that the long years of prisons won’t stop the detainees from creativity and excellence but it also adds to their strength and power of will, adding that this even is a clear evidence that the detainees will keep working on improving their intellectual and scientific competencies.

Al-Madhoun expressed his pride of owning a library inside the headquarters of the Ministry of detainees, especially the books that the detainees wrote inside the prison, in addition to the manuscripts and literature of the detainees, through which the ministry acquaints all the arrivals with the creations of the prisoners.

In the same context, Mr. Mumtaz Al-Agha, Director General of Planning at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, talked about the role of the Ministry of Education in giving special attention to the issue of detaineess, noting that his ministry is investing all efforts to instill awareness among the Palestinian people, especially the younger generation, about the issue of detainees, based on the national and militant values ​​of the Palestinian people.

Al-Agha thanked Hadarat Center for their prominent role in conveying the voice of the detainees to the outside world by writing down and publishing their creativity and research.

Graduating "Hope and Will" regiment of detainees inside Occupation Prisons.

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Graduating "Hope and Will" regiment of detainees inside Occupation Prisons.-3

اصدارات مرئية

احصائيات وأرقام

Total Prisoners
Female prisoners
Child Prisoners
Administrative Detainees
Sick Prisoners
Life sentence
Old Prisoners